PLEASE HELP all I get is rolling lines for roms & bios

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PLEASE HELP all I get is rolling lines for roms & bios

Postby emulatorplayer » Wed Aug 01, 2012 7:03 am

I installed 4DO, put in the bios and then all I get is lines on the screen. I can tell what it's suppose to be because of the colors of the lines. like if I play gex the lines turn green. Also I can kinda make out that there are words on the screen sometimes but can in no way read it. It's almost like it is out of focus and rolling like an old tv set when the channels didn't come in good. If anybody has a clue to what may be going on I would greatly appreciate it as i've already googled this and don't turn anything up on it. I would love to play gex, road rash, and nfs again so please someone enlighten me.
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Re: PLEASE HELP all I get is rolling lines for roms & bios

Postby BryWI » Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:33 pm

I haven't heard of this issue in a long time, since back when it was nvidia specific. Which is not the case now. I can only help you so far with this as you have not given me any info about your computer. So I wish you luck with these attempts.

-First of I would like to know what graphics chipset your computer is using. I would attempt to make sure you have the latestest video drivers for whatever chipset you are using.

-I would also try turning off any Scaling mode in 4DO by setting it to none.

-If that doesn't work, delete your FourDO.Settings file, then restart 4DO. Do not modify it manually. I just realised that a specific situation could happen that might be causing your problem if you manually edit that config file. All of the settings in that file can be accessed through the GUI.

-If this still does not solve your issue... Try forcing GDI rendering by using this command line option... --ForceGDIRendering , you can do this by creating a batch file or creating a shorcut to the exe and adding that command line option to the end of "target" under properties for the shorcut.

-it would also help if you could delete your debug log in the temp folder, then re-create the problem and post what your debuglog says here in this post.

Good Luck!

Here is the reason for why anyone should not edit the config file (this is also mostly to point out a bug/feature that needs to be fixed with 4DO someday). It is possible to set the double resolution rendering and an HQx mode at the same time. This can make things go bad most of the time in 4DO. This needs to be fixed by assigning double resolution render to another scaling mode option number and getting rid of the render high resolution option in the config file.
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I tried but no solution yet.

Postby emulatorplayer » Thu Aug 02, 2012 8:37 am

Sorry I should've put my specs in the post.

OS Name Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Home Basic(I know vista sucks)
Version 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2 Build 6002
System Manufacturer emachines
System Model W3623
System Type X86-based PC
Processor Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz, 3200 Mhz, 1 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date Intel Corp. CR94510J.15A.1007.2007.0216.1519, 2/16/2007
SMBIOS Version 2.4
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "6.0.6002.18005"
Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 2.00 GB
Total Physical Memory 1.99 GB
Available Physical Memory 845 MB
Total Virtual Memory 4.22 GB
Available Virtual Memory 2.45 GB
Page File Space 2.28 GB
And I added a Visiontek Radeon x1300 Graphics Card

Changing the Scaling mode to none changes the amount of lines on the screen but doesn't fix my problem.

Deleting the settings didn't change anything.

ForceGDIRendering Didn't help anything either.

Debug log says nothing interesting just that it's starting up and shutting down.

No luck just yet but thanks anyway maybe you can get a better idea of what's up with my computers specs. By all means keep trying I was really hoping the gdi rendering would do the trick.
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Re: PLEASE HELP all I get is rolling lines for roms & bios

Postby BryWI » Fri Aug 03, 2012 10:15 pm

Did you use the installer for 4DO? If you did it should of installed everything you needed to run 4DO. If you are just using the zip file, maybe try updating directx, . If your video card drivers are up to date, I am really at a loss as to why this is happening. GDI rendering should not be still doing that. That should of been a fail safe. Weird. Does the log show that GDI rendering was forced? If you setting the command line argument correct I do believe it show GDI rendering in the debug log. It should be 2 dashes and not one for the command line argument.

8/3/2012 5:14:09 PM 4DO Starting up
8/3/2012 5:14:10 PM Video Render - Forcing use of GDI rendering due to run option.
8/3/2012 5:14:39 PM 4DO Shutting down
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Re: PLEASE HELP all I get is rolling lines for roms & bios

Postby l_mcgregoruk » Sat Aug 04, 2012 7:22 pm

"It should be 2 dashes and not one for the command line argument."

1 dash works for me as well, and ForceGDIRendering isn't case sensitive like I originally thought it would be.
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Re: PLEASE HELP all I get is rolling lines for roms & bios

Postby BryWI » Sat Aug 04, 2012 8:09 pm

l_mcgregoruk wrote:
1 dash works for me as well, and ForceGDIRendering isn't case sensitive like I originally thought it would be.

Didn't know that! Thanks for letting me know.
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Re: PLEASE HELP all I get is rolling lines for roms & bios

Postby Johnny » Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:46 am

Definitely an odd problem. I've no answers as of yet. Could you try older versions (such as That would be before the "filters" were added, and may help narrow down the problem. If this is a programming bug it would be feasible that it was made in since there were changes in the "final blit" stages.

It would be helpful to verify that GDI rendering doesn't fix it. Would you be able to verify this with the logs like BryWI suggested? It's the only way to tell for certain that 4DO ran with GDI rendering.
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Re: PLEASE HELP all I get is rolling lines for roms & bios

Postby muffinman14 » Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:15 pm

Just wondering if there was ever a resolution to this? I have the same problem with 4DO on Windows XP SP3, 4do starts up, plays sound but only displays semi-diagnal but more horizontal colored half inch thick colored lines. Thanks!
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Re: PLEASE HELP all I get is rolling lines for roms & bios

Postby BryWI » Mon Nov 05, 2012 8:08 pm

We never did figure out this problem. Other than what was mentioned above, I can only think of one other thing that might be it. Try setting your refersh rate to 60hz if possible and see if that clears it up.
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Re: PLEASE HELP all I get is rolling lines for roms & bios

Postby muffinman14 » Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:05 pm

I just tried the alternate refresh rate but I still have the same issue. I was going to take some screenshots of what I am seeing but when I take screenshots the pictures display what's supposed to be on the screen perfectly, nothing like what I see when I am watching 4do live in action.

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