
Versions uploaded prior to widespread release
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Postby Johnny » Sat Mar 30, 2013 8:58 pm

* Input/Controller setup screen now shows a textual form of what button or function you're currently pressing ("A Button", "Save State") in addition to the yellow halo over the button.
* Added emulation notification messages. These show up at the bottom of the screen for things such as "Save State" and "Screenshot saved"
* Added ability to reset all bindings to defaults.
* Added ability to bind to an "Exit" console function, to exit the emulator.
* Emulation performance optimization: about a 5-10% improvement.
* Fixed bug in which the default input bindings were blank if starting 4DO for the first time.
* Fixed bug in which controller 6 input bindings were unavailable.
* Some minor usability improvements to file browser (added "x files selected" message, and using "up directory" button will highlight the folder you came from).

Find the beta here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/fourdo/files/4DO_1.3.2.2.zip/download
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Re: beta

Postby Johnny » Sun Mar 31, 2013 3:52 am

By the way I uploaded a second copy of hte beta at 10:30pm CST that includes the emulation notification messages.
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Re: beta

Postby d8thstar » Mon Apr 01, 2013 3:18 am

hey johnny, love it, thanks for the added features, especially the ability to pick which key exits the emulator, makes it much more front end user friendly.

one small hiccup, when trying to set a key, you have 'ESC' set to exit the key binding so we're unable to set the 'ESC' key to exit the emu which would make it perfect with FE's.

keep up the great work!
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Re: beta

Postby Johnny » Tue Apr 02, 2013 3:31 am

d8thstar wrote:hey johnny, love it, thanks for the added features, especially the ability to pick which key exits the emulator, makes it much more front end user friendly.

one small hiccup, when trying to set a key, you have 'ESC' set to exit the key binding so we're unable to set the 'ESC' key to exit the emu which would make it perfect with FE's.

keep up the great work!

Esc currently exits full screen. Would it be possible to bind to another key?
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Re: beta

Postby d8thstar » Tue Apr 02, 2013 3:44 am

dont get me wrong johnny, i appreciate all that you have done.

that said, to me, the goal would be to allow the user to assign whatever key they wanted to behave however they wanted. i can get around using the ESC key to exit with another app but, that app causes the other error i mentioned on here about the file menu dropping down. if i were able to bind ESC to exit, that i think would kill my other problem.

in any case, you are the man! i LOVE this emu!
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Re: beta

Postby Johnny » Tue Apr 02, 2013 6:10 am

For a few reasons, it would be a bit hard to change the emulator over to make all key bindings work that way.

But I think there's a solution in the meantime, which I've tried out:

Assign some arbitrary binding to ConsoleExit, then you can change it to Escape manually! Edit Settings\JohnnyInputBindings.xml:

<InputBinding className="FourDO.Emulation.Plugins.Input.JohnnyInput.InputBinding"><Button>ConsoleExit</Button><Trigger className="FourDO.Emulation.Plugins.Input.JohnnyInput.KeyboardInputTrigger"><FriendlyName>Escape</FriendlyName><Key>Escape</Key></Trigger></InputBinding>

This doesn't stop the emulator from exiting full screen when you press Escape, though. So, next time it starts without full screen. But, you can start 4DO with the "--StartFullScreen" command-line option to avoid that problem (or you could edit the FourDO.settings file if you preferred).
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Re: beta

Postby d8thstar » Wed Apr 03, 2013 3:47 am

thank you for looking into this johnny. i wish i could report back a success but no go on this end. i cut and pasted the exact code you posted into input file but it didn't seem to work. pressing escape simply took the emu out of FS.

but no big deal. i use freedowrapper to exit with ESC and that's fine. i just have to get around the annoying bug of the file menu dropping down which i'm sure is a freedo wrapper issue. i'll try creating an AHK script that will send a mouse click to exit the file menu.

sincerely, thank you for all your efforts, please keep up the fantastic work!
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Re: beta

Postby Johnny » Wed Apr 03, 2013 4:42 am

d8thstar wrote:thank you for looking into this johnny. i wish i could report back a success but no go on this end. i cut and pasted the exact code you posted into input file but it didn't seem to work. pressing escape simply took the emu out of FS.

but no big deal. i use freedowrapper to exit with ESC and that's fine. i just have to get around the annoying bug of the file menu dropping down which i'm sure is a freedo wrapper issue. i'll try creating an AHK script that will send a mouse click to exit the file menu.

sincerely, thank you for all your efforts, please keep up the fantastic work!

Well, copy+paste probably won't work. It would have to be put in the exact right place to work.

But I won't relent! I've attached a bindings file that contains ONLY the one Escape binding you need. You could rebuild the rest of the bindings from there. If it works, great!
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Re: beta

Postby Shaun » Wed Apr 03, 2013 2:02 pm

Great work man --

I actually prefer 4DO now over my FZ-1 3DO. ;)

You know what would be kind of neat, but I don't know whether or not it's possible... a game-genie type addition.

You know what would be even better... internet multiplayer. Then we could have Samurai Showdown tournaments.
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Re: beta

Postby d8thstar » Thu Apr 04, 2013 3:59 am

Johnny wrote:
d8thstar wrote:thank you for looking into this johnny. i wish i could report back a success but no go on this end. i cut and pasted the exact code you posted into input file but it didn't seem to work. pressing escape simply took the emu out of FS.

but no big deal. i use freedowrapper to exit with ESC and that's fine. i just have to get around the annoying bug of the file menu dropping down which i'm sure is a freedo wrapper issue. i'll try creating an AHK script that will send a mouse click to exit the file menu.

sincerely, thank you for all your efforts, please keep up the fantastic work!

Well, copy+paste probably won't work. It would have to be put in the exact right place to work.

But I won't relent! I've attached a bindings file that contains ONLY the one Escape binding you need. You could rebuild the rest of the bindings from there. If it works, great!

BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE! Johnny you are my man! This works exactly as needed. In addition to, since i no longer need the wrapper, that annoying bug of the file menu dropping down is gone.

I SINCERELY appreciate you putting this together for me.

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